If you are looking for real prime-quality chocolate products, try those made of Belgian dark chocolates. Although there is no generally valid, worldwide definition of Belgian dark chocolates, the term is widely recognized as the synonym for quality superior to other types. Dark chocolate is being produced in many places all around the world. But it is Belgium that is considered to produce the best dark chocolate you can get.
The roots of the Belgian chocolate industry can be traced back to the first half of the 17th century. Since then, chocolate became more and more popular, first among the higher and middle class, later also for the lower classes of society. Today, the production of chocolate is one of the most important pillars of the Belgian economy and it is among the defining parts of the Belgian national spirit. With more than 2,000 chocolate shops and almost two billion euros coming from the export annually, Belgium is rightly called the world´s capital of chocolate.
Despite popular belief, the Belgian chocolate industry has never been dependent on cocoa imports from its few colonies. The ability to use cocoa beans from different sources always meant a great advantage for Belgium´s producers. Choosing only prime-quality beans and the possibility of combining the flavors made the Belgian chocolates unique and popular.
But even among many other famous Belgian chocolate products, Belgian dark chocolates are something special. It is a kind of standard for chocolate quality. It can be called legendary because of its full and „decadent“ taste known to people in many corners of the world.

Belgian Dark Chocolates – Unexpectedly Healthy
Dark chocolate is distinguished by the higher content of cocoa butter. It makes it a high-quality type of chocolate and it also makes it very healthy. It is full of nutrients with positive effects on your health. It was shown that 100 g of the first-rate dark chocolate with at least 75% of the cocoa content contains almost 11 grams of fiber and a lot of minerals like magnesium, manganese, or iron. Fats in dark chocolate are of the beneficial type and not the unsaturated fats that add to our weight so easily.
Dark chocolate also contains a high amount of antioxidants, compounds that can eliminate free radicals which can be damaging to our bodies. Flavanols of cocoa can affect blood flow and lower blood pressure. It was clinically proved that dark chocolate will significantly lower the risk of heart disease as well and it can even improve brain function.
Components like sugar or caffeine are present only in small amounts, being rather beneficial than deleterious. It is definitely clear that the typical stigma of chocolate connected to its harmful effects is not appropriate in the case of dark chocolate.
The Best Chocolate For Cooking
If you like using dark chocolate in your kitchen for baking or decorating, the choice of the right chocolate is essential. If you choose wrong, it can spoil your cake. On the other hand, properly chosen chocolate can improve its taste and look. The chocolate you will use should have a nice, velvety structure and a full, cocoa flavor. The truth is that there is no other chocolate that meets these requirements better than the high-quality Belgian dark chocolate.
We in EMOTI are dedicated to bringing you the best possible dark chocolate products on the market. If you are looking for the best dark chocolate, try ours, we guarantee you the top quality.